Kangaroo point

Sign up for free.

Chasing Chai welcomes everyone and it's completely free! Before you lace up and join us, let's gather a few details to keep everyone safe during our Sunday run.


You are voluntarily choosing to participate in activities organised by Chasing Chai Run Club and must complete registration to show you understand that running, jogging, and other related activities involve inherent risks, including but not limited to the risk of injury or harm.

To participate in Chasing Chai Run Club, please ensure you agree to the following terms and conditions:

Assumption of Risk: I understand that participating in the Club's activities, including but not limited to running, jogging, and any related exercises, carries inherent risks and hazards. I am aware that these activities involve the risk of injury, illness, or even death. I voluntarily assume all such risks and accept full responsibility for any injury or harm that may result from my participation in Chasing Chai Run Club activities. I will run according to my fitness abilities and assume responsibility for my own hydration, nutrition, and general health and safety.

Medical Condition: I certify that I am in good physical condition and have no medical conditions that would prevent me from safely participating in Club activities. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a healthcare professional before participating if I have any doubt about my fitness level.

Release of Liability: To the fullest extent permitted by law, I release, discharge, and hold the Club, its organisers, leaders, volunteers, agents, and other participants harmless from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, lawsuits, or liabilities, whether known or unknown, arising out of my participation in the Club's activities. This includes any injury, loss, or damage that may occur to me while participating in Club activities, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage, or wrongful death.

Emergency Medical Treatment: In the event of a medical emergency, I authorise the Club's organisers, leaders, volunteers, or other authorised personnel to seek and provide emergency medical treatment on my behalf, including transportation to a medical facility if necessary. I understand that I am responsible for any medical expenses incurred.

Photography and Publicity: I grant the Club the right to use, without compensation, any photographs, videos, or other media taken during Club activities, which may include my likeness, for promotional, educational, or other purposes. If I wish not to have my video or photograph taken, I will reach out to the Club at

Personal Belongings: I acknowledge that I am solely responsible for my personal belongings during Club activities and events. The Club, its organisers, volunteers, agents, and representatives shall not be held liable for any loss, damage, theft, or destruction of personal property.

Code of Conduct: I agree to abide by the Club’s rules and code of conduct, including being respectful of other participants, moving safely and sensibly in public areas, and keeping Chasing Chai Run Club an open and inclusive space for all. I understand that if I breach these rules, the Club has the right to discontinue my membership at any time. I agree to keep left when running along paths, stay out of the cycle lane, offer support to fellow runners if they are alone or struggling, be aware of my surroundings, use traffic lights and street crossings to cross roads, wear reflective gear when running at night, and take care on uneven terrain such as Kangaroo Point Steps.

I have carefully read and understood the terms of this Chasing Chai Run Club Attendance Waiver, and I willingly and voluntarily agree to be bound by its terms. I acknowledge that by signing this waiver, I am releasing certain legal rights that I may otherwise have. If I have any questions about the above, I will reach out to the club at